Anne-Katrine Sjolie Award Recipients
34th EAsDEC Meeting, 2024
J. Ezban Larrson (Denmark)
Progression of diabetic retinopathy in women with type 1 diabetes during and after pregnancy - results from a nationwide cohort
33rd EAsDEC Meeting, 2023
Mona Albargothy (UK)
Investigation of the retinal neurovascular unit in diabetic retinopathy using 3D electron microscopy
32nd EAsDEC Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland 2022
H. Ramos, Spain
Transcriptomic analysis reveals that retinal neuromodulation is the main underlying mechanism of the neuroprotective effect of sitagliptin in diabetic retina
31st EASDec Meeting, Odense, Denmark 2021
Ms Hanagh Winter, Belfast
Circadian clocks in diabetic retinal endothelial cells
30th EASDec Virtual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain 2020
Skipped because of virtual meeting
29th EASDec Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2019
Eyre, JJ (UK)
Incorporation of endothelial colony forming cells into an in vitro human primary co-culture model of diabetic retinopathy
28th EASDec Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland 2018
Joint winners:
O'Hare, M (UK)
TRPV2 downregulation in the development of diabetic retinopathy-like lesions
Simó-Servat, O (Spain)
New insights on inflammatory mediators in early diabetic retinopathy: a proteomic
approach in human retinas
27th EASDec Meeting, Budapest, Hungary 2017
Schreur, V (Netherlands)
Hyperreflective foci predict treatment response to bevacizumab in
patients with diabetic macular oedema
26th EASDec Meeting, Manchester 2016
BS Gerendas (Austria)
Prognostic factors in the treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME) using aflibercept, ranibizumab and bevacizumab ( protocol T)
25th EASDec Meeting, Turin 2015
C. Neves (Portugal)
Retinal layer location of increased retinal thickness in eyes with subclinical and clinical macular edema in diabetes type 2
24th EASDec Meeting, Padova, Italy in 2014
M. Buckle, L. Price, S.Chave, S.J. Aldington, PH. Scanlon
OCT/photographic clinics for screen positive maculopathy patients.
23rd EASDec Meeting: Barcelona, Spain - 2013
In memoriam Anne Katrin Sjolie presented by Massimo Porta
Best abstract prize:
J. Wisniewska-Kruk, I. Klaassen, I.M.C. Vogels, C.J.F. Van Noorden, R.O. Schlingemann (NL)
The role of plasmalemma vesicle-associated protein in blood retinal barrier permeability.