Study Group on Eye Complications (EASDEC)

31 August - 1 September 1996
Vienna, Hotel Bristol, Kärntner Ring 1.


Saturday, 31 August.

09.00-09.10 - Opening of meeting (Prof. G Crepaldi, Prof. H Lund-Andersen)
09.10-09.20 - Welcome (Prof. H Freyler, Vienna)
09.20-10.00 - Retinopathy in the UKPDS (Prof. EM Kohner, London)
10.00-11.00 - Oral communications: Clinical
11.00-11.30 - COFFEE BREAK
11.30-12.45 - Oral communications: Treatment
13.00-14.30 - LUNCH

14.30-15.00 - Poster discussion
15.00-15.40 - Recent advances in vitreo-retinal surgery in diabetes (Prof. S. Binder, Vienna)
15.40-16.40 - Oral communications: Experimental I
16.40-17.10 - TEA BREAK
17.10-17.40 - New electronic services for patient care and research in ophthalmic diseases (Dr. G Mann, Munich)
17.40-19.00 - Oral communications: Screening

Sunday, 1 September

09.00-10.20 - Oral communications: Epidemiology and clinical
10.20-11.00 - Autoregulation of retinal and choroidal blood flow. Application in diabetics (Dr. CJ Pournaras, Geneva)
11.00-11.30 - COFFEE BREAK
11.30-12.45 - Oral communications: Experimental II
12.45-13.00 - Close of meeting (Prof. G Crepaldi, Prof. H Lund-Andersen)

Oral communications:


  • Amelioration of vascular dysfunctions in diabetic rats by an oral PKCß inhibitor. H Ishii, et al, Indianapolis.
  • Treatment of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy with polydesoxyribonucleutide: case-control study and preliminary results. EM Vingolo, et al. Rome.
  • Progression of contrast sensitivity deficits in diabetic patients. F Yenice-Ustun, et al. Geneva.
  • Diabetic retinopathy in Down's syndrome. T Fulcher, et al. Dublin.
  • Influence of serum lipid fractions on the course of diabetic macular edema after photocoagulation. BG Kremser, et al. Innsbruck.
  • Laser flare intensity after phacoemulsification in diabetic and control patients. A Zaczek, et al. Stockholm.
  • A retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis on the ophthalmic treatment of diabetic retinopathy. BCP Polak, et al. Rotterdam.
  • Grid vs scatter priority in laser photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy. VS Acopjan, et al. Moscow.
  • Vitrectomy and silicone oil implantation for advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Functional and anatomic results. A Wedrich, et al. Vienna
Experimental I:
  • Increased lens autofluorescence in offsprings of NIDDM patients. P Koefoed Theil, et. al. Gentofte.
  • Influence of systemic hypertension on the blood-retinal barrier of diabetic rats. AA Dosso, et al. Geneva.
  • Laser interferometric measurements of fundus pulsations: reproducibility, sensitivity and results in patients with diabetic retinopathy. L Schmetterer, et al. Vienna.
  • Reactivity of ocular blood flow to systemic inhibition and stimulation of NO-synthase in patients with IDDM. M Wolzt, et al. Vienna.
  • Progression to sight-threatening diabetic eye disease (STDED): the importance of screening interval. MFS Flatman, et al. Norfolk.
  • Diabetologists and a research optometrist screening for diabetic retinopathy using retinal photographs. RL Gibbons, et al. Penarth.
  • Incidence of blindness and visual impairment in diabetic patients participating in an ophthalmological control and screening program. M Henricsson, et al. Helsingborg.
  • Screening for retinopathy: the costs of three approaches. M Tomalino, et al. Turin.
  • Does automated tritan discrimination threshold testing have a place in diabetic retinopathy screening protocols? SJ Tregear, et al. Glasgow.
Epidemiology and clinical:
  • Retinopathy in IDDM in Europe. The EURODIAB IDDM-complications study. AK Sjølie, et al. Århus.
  • Survival of diabetic patients undergoing vitreo-retinal surgery. P Summanen, et al. Helsinki.
  • EyeCare. A clinical database for monitoring diabetic retinopathy. JNB Larsen, et al. Copenhagen.
  • Progression of retinopathy during pregnancy in type 1 diabetes mellitus. M Lövestam-Adrian, et al. Lund.
  • Does pregnancy interfere with evolution of retinopathy in diabetes? F Bandello, et al. Ferrara.
Experimental II:
  • Glycoprotein alterations in retinal microvascular cells by glycated products. N Rellier, et al. Villeurbanne.
  • Thyamine decreases lactate production and advanced glycosylation-end product formation, as induced by high glucose, in cultured endothelial cells. E Beltramo, et al. Turin.
  • Lack of relationship between insertion/deletion polymorphism in the angiotensin converting enzyme gene and severe retinopathy in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. A Oloffson, et al. Lund.
  • The role of angiotensin-1-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in proliferative retinopathy in patients with IDDM. D Rabensteiner, et al. Vienna.
  • Glial cell involvement in vascular occlusion in diabetic retinopathy. T Bek. Århus.
Poster presentations:
  • The therapeutic outcome of rubeotic glaucoma in diabetic retinopathy. T Okano, et al. Tokyo.
  • Does poor visual acuity lead to poor quality retinal photographs? RL Gibbons, et al. Penarth.
  • Frequency and severity of diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 in Latvia. M Klindzane, et al. Riga.
  • Preclinical corneal endotheliopathy in children and teenagers with diabetes. L Dudnikova, et al. Moscow.
  • Clinical experience in prognosis of diabetic retinopathy. N Smirnova, et al. Moscow.
  • Children and adults diabetic ophthalmology syndrome. G Saburova, et al. Moscow.
  • Theoretical principles of DR screening organization by Moscow Diabetic Eye Center. L Moshetova, et al. Moscow.


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