About the Abstract submission form - our aim

Our aim has been to simplify the abstract submission whilst ensuring that we can check as many details as possible. This will help you to proof before submission.

If you have any questions or are unsure of any points then before filling out the abstract submission form please feel free to contact Mr Wayne Prescott via or tel: +44 (0) 1639 852 560.

Example showing how to enter institution details

Please note that the example below uses fictitious details just to demonstrate a sample submission.



Details in Text

Below are the main points that will guide you through the abstract submission process with respect to filling out the institutions - compare with the sample above.

You can only submit one abstract submission per email please check all details! If you need to submit more than one abstract and you do not have an alternative email address then please contact us.

d) The main source of possible confusion is the institutions list. The process is actually very simple: At the top of the abstract submission page there is a text field that has the title "List of institutions involved" in the box provided enter the list of all institutions that are involved in with your abstract submission. Simply enter each institution on a new line.

For example if you have 3 institutions then in the box provided type:

Name of institution 1 (press enter)
Name of institution 2 (press enter)
Name of institution 3 (press enter)
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

And so on

Of course, if there is only one institution involved then you will only have one line entered. You actually don't need need to press the enter key at any time if you only have one institution.

In the first section of the abstract submission you are asked for "Institution(s) where work was carried out . . . ." you should enter a list of numbers such as 1,3 which represents (in the example above) that the main author is linked to Name of institution 1 and also Name of institution 3. This applies to each co-author you enter where you should enter the list of institutions linked to with respect to the abstract submission.

An example: Suppose you wish to submit an abstract with the following (this is not a real submission just a contrived example)


N. Collaer1,3, A.C. Fisher2, S.P. Harding1,3, J.P. Vora3, D.M. Broadbent3

1 St. Pauls Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
2 Department of Clinical Engineering, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
3 Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK

Here we have 3 institutions involved:

So they need to be entered in the list of institutions at the top of the abstract submission page. In the box provided type

St. Pauls Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
then press enter

Department of Clinical Engineering, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
then press enter

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
then press enter

[Don't worry if the text automatically wraps around - just press enter after each new entry.]

In the example we have the main author as N. Collaer so in the abstract submission form we should enter in the first author's details Institution(s) box 1,3

Co-author 1, A.C. Fisher - we should enter 2 in the Institution - co-author 1 box.

We have Co-author 2, S.P. Harding - we should enter 1,3 in the Institution - co-author 2 box.

We have Co-author 3, J.P. Vora - we should enter 3 in the Institution - co-author 3 box.

We have Co-author 4, D.M. Broadbent - we should enter 3 in the Institution - co-author 4 box.

If you only have one institution just enter one institution and assign 1 to main author and also 1 to your co-author(s).